Brownfields—previously developed but now unused and/or contaminated land—can be notoriously difficult to turn from liabilities to benefits for the community and the environment. Many brownfields are in environmental justice communities, where people of color bear the brunt of the legacy of environmental contamination. While the basic practices for brownfield redevelopment are applicable anywhere, understanding the requirements and accessing the resources to successfully drive brownfield redevelopment can be complicated and expensive. In this session, experts will walk participants through the unique circumstances of brownfield redevelopment: (1) the necessary steps around site due diligence and agency approvals, (2) data gathering, and (3) identifying state and federal funding for planning, assessment, and clean-up. With the goal of advancing equitable redevelopment and improved environmental outcomes in environmental justice communities, this breakout session will provide participants with a foundational understanding of the process and resources for revitalizing vacant brownfield sites.